Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I have done a terrible job of putting any content, even boring, unfunny and trite content (which appears to constitute most of it), on this blog in quite a while. For that dear reader, I apologize.

That said, get used to it! Well, at least for the near future as tomorrow I'm heading to LAS VEGAS baby! It's my good buddy Ward's bachelor party and we'll be there attempting to survive for 5 nights (gasp- huge error in judgment right off the bat?) during the opening weekend of the NCAA Tournament. It will be the 3rd time I've gone on this particular weekend and I've had an absolutely absurd time in both instances. I have no reason to think this weekend will be any different.

When I get back on Monday it will be two weeks and two days until my departure. It's really starting to set in now and naturally so are the nerves. Especially since I have decided to hike the Sierra de Guadarrama solo from Madrid to Segovia almost as soon as I step off the plane.

Since I'm planning a number of solo hikes on rugged and sparsely populated terrain, as well as planning to camp, couch crash, and otherwise finagle my way to cheap/free accommodations, I've decided to get all of my affairs in order prior to leaving. This, of course, means putting together a will, power of attorney, and an emergency health care directive and proxy. Yea, shit just got real.

But have no fear, I'm not planning to disappear on you dear reader! In fact, I plan to annoy you via these posts and otherwise occupy your day with my nonsense as much as possible for as long as I can. No need to thank me.

That said, getting back to the trip, I have been doing some research on Ergs (basically a dune sea), and I am most disappointed that none of my planned travels over the next year are taking me close to any. I've always wanted to ride a camel through one, or sand-board in one, or even just take some pictures. The closest I've ever come is dune-bashing in the dessert outside Dubai, but that wasn't technically an erg.

Anyway, the point of all this is that during my research I discovered that Erg Chebbi happens to be close to the town of Merzouga. Which means- I might just dip down in to Morocco and be able to hit an erg and wash up in Tangier all in one go! Well, maybe not... but a boy can dream.

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